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- "Final Instructions: Life in a Local Church
- "Final Instructions: Practical Realities of Being a Christian"
- "Concerning the Resurrection: The Hope of the Resurrection"
- "Concerning the Resurrection: The Resurrection Body"
- "Concerning the Resurrection: Don't Believe Everything You Hear"
- "Concerning the Resurrection: Life without the Resurrection"
- "Concerning the Resurrection: The Gospel of the Resurrection"
- "Concerning Spiritual Gifts: Clarity Is Better than Confusion"
- "When Life is Hard"
- "The Perfect Love of God"
- "Concerning Spiritual Gifts: The Never-Ending Nature of Love"
- Children's Christmas Program
- "Concerning Spiritual Gifts: The Extraordinary Gift of Love"
- "Concerning Spiritual Gifts: The Unity and Diversity of the Body"
- "Concerning Spiritual Gifts"
- "Losing Sight of the Lord's Supper"
- "Submissions, Distinctions and Dependence for the Glory of God"
- "Is There Anyone Greater Than God?"
- God Overcomes
- "All to the Glory of God"
- "An Important Truth for Sensible People"
- "Does Everyone in a Church Go to Heaven?"
- "The Cost of the Christian Life"
- "All Things for the Sake of the Gospel"
- "Free to Be a Servant"
- "How to Live in the Land of Idols: Knowledge vs. Love" pt. 2
- "How to Live in the Land of Idols: Knowledge vs. Love"
- "The God of Grief and Compassion"
- "Human Relationships and Undistracted Devotion to the Lord"
- "Live the Life That the Lord Has Given You"
- "David Extends God's Grace
- A Lesson from John the Baptist
- "To Divorce or Not to Divorce"
- "To Marry or Not to Marry"
- "Freedom, Food, and Using Your Body for the Glory of God"
- The Terrible Consequences of a Lifestyle of Sin
- Lawsuits, Love, and the Local Church
- "The Purpose of Our Imperfections"
- "The Biblical Approach to Addressing Sin in the Church" Pt 2
- "The Biblical Approach to Addressing Sin in the Church"
- "Apostolic Affection and Admonition"
- "A Model for Christian Ministry"
- "How Should a Church See Its Leaders"
- "God's Greatest Reversal"
- "Body Building That Will Last for Eternity"
- "The Secret Wisdom of God: A Lesson in Contrasts"
- "How to Tell People that Jesus Is Alive"
- "Consider Your Calling"
- "A Foolish Message to a Dying World"
- "The Deadly Disease of Divisions in the Church"
- "Be Grateful: God Says You're Going to Make it"
- John Guffy Update on Indonesia
- "God's Love for an Unlovely Church: An Introduction to 1 Corinthians"
- "The Loving Limits of Humanity: How Do We Live Within the Limits"
- "The Loving Limits of Humanity: The Slow Process of Sanctification"
- "The Loving Limits of Humanity: Healthy Humility"
- "The Loving Limits of Humanity"
- "Am I in the Place of God"
- "Final Blessings"
- "Thoughts for the New Year"
- "The Mess We're in and the Mercy We Need"
- "And Seventy Came Into Eqypt"
- "I Am Joseph"
- Children's Christmas Program
- "Trickeration & Transsformation: The Test of the Silver Cup"
- "A Lunch to Remember"
- "Famine and the Hidden Hand of God"
- "Do You Ever Feel Forgotten"
- "Sin's Incessant Pursuit of Our Goals"
- "Broken Promises, Broken Family"
- "Deacon Ordination"
- "Joseph the Dreamer"
- "Same Old Place, Brand New People (Sort Of)"
- "Jacob and Esau Finally Meet Again"
- "It's Time to Leave Uncle Laban"
- "Twelve Sons, One Daughter and a Life of Chaos"
- "The Deceiver is Deceived"
- "The Ladder That Reached into Heaven"
- Guest Speaker Dale Hamm
- "The Messy Blessing"
- "The Same, Once Again"
- "Jacob & Esau: Born for Blessing and Trouble"
- "Prayers and the Providence of God"
- "Unity in the Body of Christ"
- "A Tomb for Sarah and a Bride for Isaac"
- "The Ultimate Test"
- "Laughing at the Promises of God"
- "Not Again... Abraham's Besetting Sin"
- "The Judge of the Earth Does What Is Right"
- "You Don't Want to Go Away Too, Do You?"
- "God the Righteous, God the Merciful"
- "A Sign of Belief and Promises Kept"
- "What Happens if You Don't Wait on the Lord"
- "Abram Believed the Lord" (pt. 2)
- "Abram Believed the Lord" (pt. 1)
- "A Mysterious Man Named Melchizedek"
- "Abram the Liar and His Nephew Named Lot"
- "From Confusion of Babel to the Blessing of Abram"
- "Nations and Glory"
- Guest Speaker Jeremiah Herrian
- "God Remembered Noah"
- "A Flood of Judgement and a Display of Grace"
- The Sons of God and the Sorrow of God
- "A Walk with God"
- "The Steady Rise and Demise of Civilization"
- "What Matters Most: Basic Biblical Exhortations for a Brand New Year"
- 12-18-22
- "The Gift That Keeps On Giving"
- Children's Christmas Program
- "Where Are You: The Pursuit of God for the People in Sin"
- "The Drama of the Fall into Death" (pt. 2)
- "The Drama of the Fall into Death"
- "A Break from God's Design: What Are the Tangible Effects of Sin"
- "It Is Not Good for Man to Be Alone"
- "The Man and The Garden
- "God Rested and So Should We"
- "From Chaos to Order: The Filling of the Earth"
- "From Chaos to Order: The Forming of the Earth"
- "A Book about God in A Book about God"
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves: The Gospel enemy of Self-Reliance"
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves: The Help and Hope of The Holy Spirit"
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves: Means of Grace (Spiritual Disciplines)
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves: The Power of The Holy Spirit"
- Guest Speaker Richard Stephens
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves: Shifting Our Focus"
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves: Gospel Enemy #2"
- "Learning to Preach The Gospel to Ourselves (2)"
- "Learning to Preach the Gospel to Ourselves"
- "The Final Scene"
- "We Shall His Face"
- "Your New Home"
- 11 Things God Gave Us to Live for Him
- Consequences of Sin Vs Obedience
- "The Old Has Passed Away and the New Has Finally Come"
- "The Thousand Year Reign of Jesus and the Final Ruin of Satan" pt 2
- "The Thousand Year Reign of Jesus and the Final Ruin of Satan"
- "An Invitation to Have Supper with Jesus"
- Psalm 73
- "The Spiritually Dead Are Brought to Life in Christ"
- "The Great Prostitute and the Greater Sovereignty of God"
- Missions Report: Chris and Melissa Robinson
- "The End of the Evil Empire"
- "The Ramp Up to the Wrap Up of the Wrath of God"
- "Pay Attention:A Day of Harvest Will Come"
- "The Party's Over, The Party Has Just Begun" Video
- "Who Can Sing the Song of the Redeemed" (video)
- "The Mark of the Beast and the Need for Biblical Wisdom" (video)
- The Mark of the Beast and the Need for Biblical Wisdom
- (Audio only)The Counterfeit Call to Worship the Beast & the Need for Endurance by the Saints
- The Counterfeit Call to Worship the Beast and the Need for Endurance by the Saints
- The War Between the Great Red Dragon and the See of the Woman pt. 3
- The War Between the Great Red Dragon and the See of the Woman pt. 2
- The War Between the Great Red Dragon and the See of the Woman
- One Altar, Two Witnesses, and the Seventh Trumpet pt. 2
- One Altar, Two Witnesses, and the Seventh Trumpet
- The Mighty Angel, The Little Scroll and the Mystery of God
- The Horror of the Holy Judgment of God: The Trumpet Judgment pt. 2
- The Horror of the Holy Judgment of God: The Trumpet Judgment
- The Terror of the Trumpet Judgments
- The Servants of God are Sealed & Kept Safe
- The Seal Judgments Mean Bad News for Mankind pt. 2
- The Seal Judgments Mean Bad News for Mankind
- From Earth to Heaven: The Worship of God the Son
- From Earth to Heaven: The Worship of God the Father
- The Message to the Church at Laodicea: Lukewarm Is Not Good Enough
- The Message to the Church at Sardis: Walk Through the Open Door
- The Message to the Church at Sardis: Wake Up & Live
- The Message to the Church at Thyatira: Let Jezebel Go
- The Message to the Church at Pergamum: Be Done with Bad Doctrine
- The Message to the Church at Smyrna: Don't Quit Before You're Finished
- The Message to the Church at Ephesus: Love God & Love People
- The Vision that Set the Revelation in Motion
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Revelation: The Story of God's Glory