Derek came to Fairview in August 2016. He and his wife Robin have lived most of their lives in Oklahoma. Derek grew up way out in Guymon in the panhandle and graduated from Oklahoma State University while Robin went to high school in Yukon and graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Derek has been in ministry for over 35 years and has been a lead pastor since 1996. He really enjoys college football and has a great appreciation for Mexican food. Reading is one of his favorite things to do. Some of his favorite authors are J.I. Packer, John Newton, Eugene Peterson, Michael Horton, Paul Tripp among many others. Robin teaches English at Fairview High School. He and Robin have two grown children, Emily and Kellen.
Student Pastor
Patrick Rich
(580)227-4421Patrick has spent most of his life in Fairview. In 2014, the Lord called him to serve in this local body of believers as its student pastor. Patrick's wife Rebekah grew up in Michigan and through the gracious providence of the Lord, they met at Taylor University in Indiana and eventually were married. Patrick and Rebekah are both faithful servants of the Lord in many ways--teaching youth, leading women's Bible studies, playing in the praise team, taking kids to summer camps, making sure vacation Bible school comes together, etc. Patrick teaches and coaches at Canton High School. Along with being a stay-at-home mom, Rebekah oversees the pre-school at our church. Patrick and Rebekah have three children--Alena, Nathan, and Hudson.
Pam has been the secretary at FBC since 2005. Pam grew up in Alva, Oklahoma. She serves this church well in many different ways throughout the week and on Sundays. She and her husband Myron have two grown children and seven grandchildren. FBC Fairview is grateful for all that Pam and Myron do in serving the Lord in this local congregation.